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Horizon Europe project HEPHAESTUS

Heritage in EuroPe: new tecHnologies in crAft for prEServing and innovaTing fUtureS

© Illustration by Funny Livdotter & Mötesplats Steneby
© Illustration by Funny Livdotter & Mötesplats Steneby
Idea. Concept. Rationale.

The Hephaestus story

Hephaestus was the God of fire, of all the crafts, arts, and technology. He protected, cared for, and kept alive the flame in the volcano, which was used for forging metal and other works of great skill. Hephaestus was the protector of craft-makers and technical knowledge. It was from his teachings, mythology tells us, that we learned those marvelous crafts house building, wood and metal work, longlasting pottery, weaving, and cloth making that first enabled us to live in peace with nature, protecting us from the environment, giving us our history, culture, and future. We will extend these teachings.

© Illustration by Funny Livdotter & Mötesplats Steneby
© Illustration by Funny Livdotter & Mötesplats Steneby
Research. Preserve. Innovate.

The aim of the Horizon Europe project Hephaestus

The aim or our project is to research, preserve and, at the same time, innovate craft sectors to deliver a cutting-edge, creative, and sustainable technology-driven economy based on cultural heritage.

We are committed to make an impact



Incorporate traditional crafts techniques with cutting-edge technologies as an ambidextrous Janus Head.


Open up new dimensions and opportunities of using digital technology for the preservation and restoration of cultural goods


Provide opportunities for innovating business models to produce new and high-quality products


Contribute to the creation of new markets, novel forms of entrepreneurship, and collaborations between crafts and cultural and creative industries.

Craft ecosystems in Europe

Bornholm, Denmark                  

Bornholm, Denmark

Venice, Italy                             

Event: Exploring & Constructing Craft Histories

Bassano del Grappa, Italy      

Craft ecosystem in Bassano del Grappa, Italy

Dals Langed & Fengersfors, Sweden 

Dals Langed and Fengersfors sweden

About Craft ecosystems in Europe

HEPHAESTUS aims to fuse cutting-edge technologies with traditional craftsmanship, co-creating sustainable solutions in tools, methodologies, and business models for the future of European craft ecosystems. The project will test these solutions in a Green Living Lab on Bornholm, a Danish Island, and World Craft Region. The ultimate goal is to establish a network involving heritage sites, cultural sectors, institutions, authorities, enterprises, and stakeholders, ensuring the project’s long-lasting impact by adapting and deploying its outcomes across various craft ecosystems.

HEPHAESTUS base is several years of consortium partners' research and development

Within this project, the partners bring together their experience and knowledge expertise to create a unique approach towards the innovation of traditional craft sectors. The consortium has to consider several challenges to keep craft relevant in the digitalised and globalised world to contribute to the growth of European craft sectors, realise the full potential of art as cultural heritage, and promote it as a driver of sustainable innovation.

HEPHAESTUS will set up the craft as an enabler of a European sense of belonging through continuous engagement with society, citizens, and economic sectors and by creating better protection, restoration, and promotion mechanisms.


© Illustration by Funny Livdotter & Mötesplats Steneby
© Illustration by Funny Livdotter & Mötesplats Steneby
Team of experienced and competent professionals

HEPHAESTUS consortium

The project consortium brings together 9 partners and 4 associated partners representing 5 countries – Denmark, Faroe Islands, Italy, Latvia and Sweden.

Università Degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Fablab Venezia
University of Venice
WIT Berry
Confartigianato Vicenza
Confartigianato Vicenza