Workshop | The paper: The artists’ glaze: art-based research for stirring organization research

HEPHAESTUS researchers present paper in Palermo

Our researchers Elena Raviola from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Enrico Macciò from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark recently participated in a paper development workshop on “Interpretative Methodology Development in Organization Studies” held at the magnificent Palazzo Butera in Palermo, Italy.

Prof. Elena Raviola presented our methodological journey intertwining artistic and social science research by discussing the paper “The artists’ glaze: art-based research for stirring organization research”, co-authored with Marta Gasparin from Copenhagen Business School and Fabrizio Panozzo from Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.

“This insightful work explores the intersection of art and organizational research, promising to ignite fresh perspectives in our ongoing quest within the HEPHAESTUS project.”

Elena Raviola | University of Gothenburg, Sweden

