Workshop | Invitation to co-creation workshop

Invitation to co-creation workshop CRAFT


08:45 – 09:00: Coffee and bread


09:00 – 10:30: Morning session for craft makers and anybody in working in the craft field

  • Presentation on the Horizon Europe project HEPHÆSTUS
    Overview of the project’s overall perspectives and activities.
  • Survey presentation on craft makers’ skills and challenges
    Presented by Luca Pareschi and Francesca Leonardi from University TOR VERGATA in Rome.
  • Q&A session
    Discussion on Luca and Francesca’s survey results.
  • Living Lab presentation
    By Dorthe Møller Paulsen from BOFA, introducing the Living Lab concept and excamples on activities.

10:30 – 11:00: Coffee break


11:00 – 13:00: Afternoon session with craft maker focus groups

  • Focus groups on sustainability
    Two focus groups, each with up to 12 participants, facilitated by Luca Pareschi and Francesca Leonardi from TOR VERGATA.
    The focus will be on exploring sustainability issues and opportunities in craft making.

13:00 – 14:00: Lunch

Venue: Møbelfabrikken, Nexø, Bornholm, Denmark


Please sign up for the co-creation workshop by e-mail: Note if you will participate in both parts or just one part of the workshop. There are only 24 seats in the focus group closed part. DEADLINE FOR SIGN UP IS MONDAY, 23RD. OF September.

Purpose of the co-creation workshop

The purpose of the meeting is to gain an in-depth understanding of the needs and challenges faced by craft makers in running their businesses.

We will focus on two main areas:

  • Economic Sustainability: Identify the economic challenges craft makers encounter and explore strategies and resources that can support them in achieving financial stability and growth.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Discuss environmental considerations and practices in craft production, including how craft makers can implement more sustainable methods and materials in their work.

We also aim to gain a better understanding of what craft makers themselves perceive as sustainability and how their perspectives and experiences can contribute to shaping future initiatives and solutions.

Living Lab in Bornholm

BOFA is a Horizon Europe project HEPHAESTUS partner who is responsible for establishing a Future of Craft Green Living Lab in Bornholm, where various solutions will be tested based on the principles of circular economy: recycling, extending product lifespan, and efficient resource use with minimal environmental impact. It also involves supporting craft makers in economic sustainability. A Living Lab is a method of working with solutions where you test, adjust, and test again. The Living Lab will serve as a forum where we can hold workshops, test business models, and continuously improve and refine them – for example, through events like Craft Weeks, exhibitions, and skill-development workshops.

Through this project, we have a unique opportunity to shape the future of craft in a greener direction on Bornholm. Additionally, we will gain knowledge and forge new collaborations. In close cooperation with Maker’s Island and ACAB, the Living Lab will facilitate new partnerships across the craft sector to support the circular economy and optimized resource use, benefiting Bornholm and supporting a greener and more sustainable cultural tourism.


In HEPHÆSTUS, we combine new technologies with craft across five craft ecosystems in Europe. We are developing new solutions in the form of tools, methods, and sustainable business models, and crafting visions for the future of craft within the circular economy. This aims primarily to ensure a future for European crafts, but also to contribute to a socially, culturally, environmentally, and economically sustainable future.